Important patient information

Through the highest standard of compassion, respect, knowledge, and teamwork, our team strives to promote the greatest quality of care to our patients.


Most of our initial visits for new patients are designed to allow you to establish care with us, assemble paperwork, order labs, refill prescriptions, and attend to urgent medical matters. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment to fill out paperwork. In order to meet your needs quickly, we may request that you see our family nurse practitioner (FNP) for this initial visit. After that you may be set up for a physical or follow-up appointment with your doctor. We do this in order to accommodate you quickly.

HMO patients must have Dr Salada listed on the health insurance card in order to be seen by this office. If you arrive at the office and Dr. Salada is not listed as the Provider on the insurance card, you will be personally responsible for paying for the office visit at the time of the office visit and subsequently responsible for obtaining reimbursement from your health insurance company. Otherwise, you will not be seen and will be charged a cancellation fee of $25 for a scheduled 15 minute appointment or $50 for a 30 minute scheduled appointment.


If you have HMO insurance and require a referral to a specialist, you will need to see one of our medical providers for proper documentation. From that point, please allow several days for the referral to be processed. Most referrals are only good for 90 days. If you need a follow-up visit with the specialist, another referral may be required, and it is up to you or your specialist to let us know.


For refill requests, please contact your pharmacy at least one week before you run out of medication and have them fax a refill request to our office. Once we receive the refill request from the pharmacy, your provider will sign and return the prescription refill to your pharmacy. You should allow 48 hours to have the medication in hand. If you need a “mail-in” prescription, please allow two weeks for your medication to arrive once you have mailed the prescriptions. It is best to schedule an appointment to allow a provider time to write these out. Patients needing certain drugs, such as narcotics, corticosteroids, and antibiotics may also require an appointment prior to their prescriptions being authorized.

It comes from the top on down — Dr. E. Salada is most caring and so is her staff — they work harmoniously together.

Patient of Dr. Salada

Phone calls

For maximum efficiency, your phone call will be triaged by our nursing staff. They will in turn run issues by the providers and then return your call. If you are calling about an issue that you wish to discuss with your provider personally, please schedule an appointment. This allows us to have time set aside specifically for you. Non-urgent calls will be returned within 24 hours. Please call again if you do not receive a return call within that time frame.

Lab results

When you are given a lab slip during your office visit, your provider will specify how you will receive your results. Be sure you go to the laboratory that is required by your health insurance organization; otherwise you will personally be responsible for this laboratory expense. Once we receive your lab results, one of the medical assistants will call you to either give you the results, or schedule an appointment with you to discuss the results with one of the providers. If the medical assistant is not able to answer all of your questions, if you would like more details on your results, or if you would like to discuss your results personally with the provider, you will need to schedule an appointment. If you do not receive your results, please contact the office; do not assume they are normal. Please allow at least one week for your provider to receive your lab results from the attending laboratory. On occasion, the lab will fail to send us the results, in which case your provider will not have been able to review them.


We do not take walk in patients, unless there is a dire emergency, in which case, we recommend you go directly to the ER. We will do our best to triage your needs by phone. The one exception to this is urinary tract infections, for which we do encourage patients to come in immediately for treatment.

New patient? Start here

Begin by downloading our New Patient Forms, so you’re ready for your visit.


Hospital care

Dr. Elizabeth Salada will be actively involved in your admission. She will not however, be your admitting or attending physician. If you are admitted, a hospital physician will be attending to you during your stay. Dr. Salada will assist you and your family in providing information to the emergency room and admitting physician, and in formulating a plan. It is their intention to be involved linking patient care, family involvement, and physician involvement. They will work to provide continuity of care between your out-patient and in-patient care. The hospital doctor and your doctor will work together to assure optimal care for you. Please make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with a provider here within one week of your discharge from the hospital.

Arriving late for any appointment

If you are going to be late for an appointment, it is recommended that you call the office. Arriving 15 minutes or more late for an appointment will require that you reschedule the appointment. Additionally, you will be charged a fee of $25 or $50, depending on the length of the scheduled appointment, (see No Show and Cancellation Fee below) for the appointment as that time had been set aside for your personal visit.

No-show and cancellation fee

It is imperative that you give us 24 hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. There is a $25 fee for patients who have scheduled a 15 minute appointment, and a $50 fee for patients who have scheduled a 30 minute appointment, who do not show up for their appointment and/or have not called to cancel or reschedule the appointment within the 24 hour timeframe. You will receive a bill in the mail for the office visit if you no-show or do not cancel your appointment the day before you are schedule.

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Need to pay your bill? Do it from the comfort of your home.

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Fees for copies of medical documents

Lab results

Patients should make sure they have their labs (blood work or x-rays) completed at least two weeks prior to their visits for routine purpose. This will allow time for the results to be sent to the Doctor’s office prior to the visit, and will allow the Doctor or Family Nurse Practitioner to discuss the results with the patient at the time of the office visit. This will also allow patients the opportunity to get any questions they have answered at the time of the visit. Copies of the lab results can be obtained free of charge at the time of the visit if the patient wishes to maintain a copy.

When patients request copies of their lab results to be mailed or faxed after an office visit, there is a small fee of $1.00 for each page copied and given to the patient. Payment can be made via credit card over the phone.

Medical records

A copy of your complete medical records can be obtained for a fee of $25. Payment can be made via a credit card over the phone.
Please let us know how else we can be of service to you. We will do our very best to provide you with excellent patient care.

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Visit with your health care provider from the comfort of your home.

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